Bio-Mag Therapy
Also known as Bio Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy
4500 B.C It is rumoured that Chinese medicine practitioners were the first to use magnetic powder for medical purposes in pills, clysma or poultices. These products successfully healed injuries due to accidents, inflammation, and headaches. A Roman Emperor named Claudius, healed his gout in a bath full of "electric fish" (cramp fish released an electric current with contact, generating an electromagnetic field).

1826-1928 Magnets and electromagnets were created for medical purposes by W.Sturgeon (English) and J.Henry (American). Several Scientists named Faraday, Maxwell and Herz continued to investigate this fascinating field.
1777-1855 Karl Friedrich Gauss (German Mathematician, Astronomer and Physicist) created the law of terrestrial magnetism and initiated the mathematics of electromagnetism. The unit of measurement for magnetic intensity based on magnetic induction and flux density is named after Gauss.
1864 J.C.C.Maxwell (English Physician & Mathematician) discovered the foundation of the Electromagnetic Field and created a theory of electrical and magnetic phenomena called the Maxwell Equations. Forming the foundation of classical Electromagnetism, the application of these equations provided information describing how electrical and magnetic fields are generated and influenced.
1930's At NASA, Astronauts were required to have various medical tests prior to travelling into space to ensure that they were all in good health. When these Astronauts returned from space, all of them suffered something called: "The Enigma of the Short Leg". Each of them had one leg shorter than the other by about 1-2 cm. NASA's Doctor, Dr. Richard Broeringmeyer (American Doctor), began to research this bizarre occurrence. He discovered that in space, there is an absence of a magnetic field similar to Earth. The human body's natural pH levels become disrupted, and more acidic than normal, leading to an increase in Hydrogen ions (positive). This altered the electrical potential of the biological tissue, creating dysfunction or abnormalities in the body. Dr.Richard Broeringmeyer had a deep understanding of Albert Roy Davis’ research in the effects of magnetic fields in living organisms. He began to experiment with balancing the body’s magnetic field to optimal health and was the catalyst in advancing electromagnetic therapy with polarity placement.
Late 1960's Oskar Gleichmann (German Physician) studied the application of electromagnetism to treat various illnesses. He created a device called The Pulsar, the world's first pulsating electromagnetic device.
Today Bio Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy is offered at Hospitals, Physiotherapy Clinics, Senior Homes, Spas, Rehabilitation Centers and Wellness Clinics worldwide.

Helps soothe and eliminates pain
Relieves muscle spasms and reduces inflammation
Accelerates healing and regeneration of cells and tissues.
Has vasodilating effects, improving blood circulation to facilitate healing
Detoxifies the body and accelerates metabolism
Improves and supports the immune system to the body’s natural state of balance
Bleeding Conditions
During Menstruation or Period
Serious Septic States
Active Tuberculosis
Mycosis at the Site of Application
Paroxysmal Nerve Diseases
Pain or unknown origin
Unspecified diagnosis

Frequency Asked Questions
The human body has its own biomagnetic field, to maintain optimal health, the brain communicates through electromagnetic frequencies to stimulate homeostasis. There are internal and external factors that emit harmful frequencies that interfere or disrupt the body’s natural vibration. When the electromagnetic frequency is off balance, cells malfunction and manifest as illness or pain.
The practitioner will consult with the patient about their condition and medical history, then a pre-programmed treatment plan will be chosen accordingly. Generally, the number of treatments varies based on the severity and the duration of the condition (chronic or acute).

There will be special attention and monitoring for those with Hypotension or Hypertension, blood pressure may decrease and lead to potential negative reactions. If there is any discomfort, application will be discontinued. If you have more specific questions, please contact us or book an appointment below.
Disclaimer: This product information is not intended to replace or contradict the services of a qualified health specialist in the treatment of any ailment or disease. Any application of the information herein is at the reader’s discretion and the sole responsibility of the individual using herbal products.