Pulse Reading
Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis
Pulse reading is a traditional Chinese medicine form of diagnosis, upon palpating the radial artery we learn about the vitality of each organ system in terms of Qi, Yin, Yang, Essence and Blood.

What is pulse reading?
There are different positions and levels that represent particular organ systems. Upon palpation, we gather information about the body's imbalances that manifest: externally (example: physical pain or discomfort), internally (example: digestive health), or emotionally (example: anxiety). It is a holistic approach, as the mind-body-spirit is an intricately interdependent system. We treat the root cause of the disease or condition.

Frequently Asked Questions
The practitioner will palpate your pulse for a few minutes, and ask questions related to your symptoms of concern and your general health. Think of the practitioner as the detective gathering the clues needed to identify the culprit or the main cause of conflict at a crime scene.
After your pulse is taken, the practitioner will diagnose you based on Traditional Chinese Medicine Patterns. These patterns identify the organs that are deficient, excessive, or in disharmony involving multiple organ systems.
The practitioner will prescribe a course of Chinese Herbal Formulas, Products or Treatments that will aid in your holistic healing.

If you have more specific questions, please contact us or book an appointment below.
Disclaimer: This product information is not intended to replace or contradict the services of a qualified health specialist in the treatment of any ailment or disease. Any application of the information herein is at the reader’s discretion and the sole responsibility of the individual using herbal products.