Embracing Change: My Retirement Journey Begins
This is Victor, the owner and founder of Ancient Alternatives. I wanted to take the time to write this letter because I’m sure many of you have been wondering where I have been the past few weeks. To start off, I wanted to thank you all for your questions and concerns in the most recent events with the turning of my health. I wanted to assure you all that I am on the road to recovery and I’m doing much better. Thank you for all the well wishes and kind messages I’ve received through my family members. At this time, I would like to focus on healing and recovering so I write this letter to inform you of my decision to retire from my life-long career at Ancient Alternatives.
Please be rest assured that this decision will not impact the quality and standard of Ancient Alternatives. I’ve made sure to pass on my knowledge in Pulse Reading and Traditional Chinese Medicine onto my family members and fellow staff members. You’re all in good hands!
I’ve had the honour of meeting each and everyone of you, helping you become healthier individuals through Traditional Chinese Medicine. Whether you are a loyal customer, my Tai Chi student or just someone seeking knowledge in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Thank you all very much!
Wishing you all good health, longevity and happiness on your own healing journey.
Victor Shim
Founder of Ancient Alternatives