How to Stay Healthy in Late Summer: Traditional Chinese Medicine Tips


Discover the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to boost your well-being during late summer, the fifth season of the year. As we transition from scorching summer days to the cool embrace of autumn, the Earth element comes into play, influencing our bodies and minds. In this blog post, we explore valuable TCM insights to maintain optimal health during late summer.

1. Nourish Your Spleen and Stomach for Improved Digestion

Learn how to support your Spleen and Stomach, the vital organs responsible for digestion and nutrient absorption. Discover TCM-approved foods, including cooked grains, wholesome vegetables, and comforting soups, to enhance your overall well-being and digestive health during late summer. You can also take our #20 Bloatrite to help with digestion and Stomach health.

2. Combat Dampness and Humidity for Better Health

Late summer often brings dampness and humidity, which can disrupt the body's balance. Find out TCM-recommended dietary adjustments to counteract dampness. Limit greasy, heavy, and cold foods, as well as sugary and dairy-rich items, and embrace light, warm, and dry foods to keep your energy flowing.

3. Balance and Relax Your Mind and Body

Maintain harmony in late summer by finding emotional balance and relaxation. Explore the impact of excessive worry and overthinking on your Spleen and Stomach. Discover TCM-endorsed techniques such as meditation and gentle exercises like Tai Chi to achieve a centered and peaceful state of mind.

4. Stay Hydrated and Boost Your Immune System

Even as the weather cools, hydration remains essential. Learn the best practices for staying hydrated during late summer with warm or room temperature water and herbal teas. Additionally, explore immune-boosting foods like garlic, ginger, and medicinal mushrooms to support your body's defense system during this transitional season.

5. Optimize Your Sleep Schedule for Vitality

With shorter days approaching, adjust your sleep routine to align with late summer's natural rhythms. Experience increased energy and productivity by ensuring regular and sufficient sleep during the night.

6. Embrace Earth Element Exercises for Well-Being

Explore moderate exercises that resonate with the Earth element, promoting balance and harmony within your body and mind. Discover the benefits of activities like walking, hiking, or yoga for grounding yourself physically and emotionally.


Integrate the time-honored wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine into your daily routine to enhance your well-being during late summer. By nourishing your Spleen and Stomach, combating dampness, staying hydrated, and embracing suitable exercises, you can navigate this transitional season with ease.

Remember that TCM emphasizes the uniqueness of each individual, so listen to your body's signals and seek professional advice when needed. Embrace the energy of the Earth element and cherish the gifts late summer brings to your mind, body, and spirit. Start implementing these TCM tips today and enjoy a healthier and more balanced late summer experience. For more expert advice on staying healthy in late summer, explore our blog.


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